Covid-19 Operational Guidance from 19th July 2021
England Golf have provided new guidance for golf clubs which has been interpreted into the best safe operational practice for Ganton GC as follows:
Should I visit the Club?
We believe that Club provides a safe environment; however it remains important to follow government guidelines to protect all members, guests and staff;-
If you are Covid-19 positive, or you are serving a period of isolation, then you must stay away.
If you have been in contact with someone with Covid-19, then you have an obligation to follow the government guidance and isolate.
Hand Sanitiser
The practice of sanitising hands to stop the spread of germs remains good practice.
It is recommended that all golfers carry a small personal bottle of hand sanitiser.
Hand sanitiser stations will be available in the Club House and toilets.
Temperature Checks
The devices previously arranged at entry points to the Clubhouse for personal temperature checks will remain available for all to use.
Social Distancing
Remains a good practice in all areas of the Club.
Wearing Masks
While not mandatory, many may wish to continue this practice.
*** All patrons are asked to respect the individual choice of members, visitors & staff who may wish to continue to wear face coverings.
Before and after golf
Shoe Cleaning facility is re-opened for use.
Trolley Room – open.
Buggies – buggies are allowed on the course and will continue to be sanitised by GGC staff.
Trolley Store Rooms – open.
*** Golfers are recommended to use hand sanitiser when using or visiting these facilities.
Changing areas & Toilets
Are open as normal (including shower areas)
Clubs House Rooms
We will continue to ventilate all rooms
Doors will be propped open to reduce ‘touch points’
The ‘rule of 6’ has now been rescinded, however best practice suggests that all should remain mindful of social distancing measures.
The bar is open, and members and guests may visit the bar area to order drinks.
At this time, we will also continue to take orders by mobile phone and deliver to tables.
It is no longer a law, that you must be seated to drink.
The kitchen is open.
Currently, we are NOT re-introducing the public telephone ordering service.
Orders can be placed at the bar, or with a member of staff – table service
Menus can be scanned and reviewed on your mobile device using the QR code on the table. A hard copy of the ‘day menu’ will be available on request.
Temporarily, we will continue to allow ordering via mobile telephone – the number to ring is listed on the table, and each table has a number to quote when ordering.
The Pro shop
The shop is open as normal.
The practice pitching/putting green are open without restriction.
Golf Course Set-Up
Ball Washers, Drinking Fountain, Bunker Rakes, Flagsticks & on course toilets are all now in use.
*** It is recommended players carry a sanitising method to clean hands before/after use.
Bunker Play
The ‘Covid-19 placing 6-inch’ rule in bunkers has been rescinded, golfer MUST play the ball as it lies.
Rakes have been returned to the golf course, and it is important that ALL golfers revert back to normal practice, and rake the bunker after use.
Can now be removed if required, however under the rules of golf, you can still leave the pin in the hole while putting (no penalty).
Toilets on the course
Open as normal
Golf Matters
Rules of Golf and Handicap Provisions
Coronavirus-related changes to the rules of golf and all handicapping provisions that enabled the game to be played competitively during the period in which restrictions have been set are removed from Monday 19 July.